Image and Video Size Guide for Social Media Platforms 2017
If you do any marketing on Social Media you know how frustrating it can be when your very carefully chosen photos and videos don’t look good after they are cropped by the various social media platforms.
I came across this handy infograph that I thought would be very helpful to you as you work on growing your social media preferences.
As is typical with many Infographs, the picture is quite long.
The picture will open in a new tab and you will then be able to zoom in
I will give you some of the highlights (all dimensions are in pixels) for the top 6 social media networks
- Cover photo: 828 x 315
- Mobile cover photo area: 563 centered. The button will overlap 28 pixels into the cover photo
- Shared image – 1200 x 900
- Shared link: 1200 x 628
- Video Specs:
Aspect ratios of 16:9 or 9:16
H.264 video compression
Max file size of 4GB
- Header Photo : 1500 x 500
- Profile Photo: 400 x 400
- Timeline Photo: 600 x 335
- Video Specs:
Aspect ratios of 16:9 or 9:16
Max file size of 512 MB
H.264 , MP4 or MOV compression
Max length of 2 minutes and 20 seconds
- Photo Thumbnails 161 x 161
- Profile Picture: 110 x 110
- Shared Photo: 1080 x 1080 Max . No longer needs to be square
- Shared stories: 750 x 1333 for photo and video. Max 15 seconds
- video: 1080 width with variable height- 15 sec max length
- Profile Picture: 180 x 180
- Pin Preview : 238 wide
- Expanded Pin Max: 736 x any hieght (1129 height is ideal for mobile)
- Board Cover Image: 214 x 100
- Profile Picture: 400 x 400
- Cover Image : 1536 x 768
- Status update and blog post images: 698 x 400
- Shared Image: 350 wide
- Channel Icon: 800 x 800
- Chanel Art: TV 2560 x 1440 Tablet 1855 x 423 Desktop 1546 x 423
- Video: 16:9 aspect ratio
- Video Thumbnail 1280 x 720
- Video title 100 characters and video description 5,000 characters
I hope you find this handy guide useful as you continue to grow your social media marketing.
And speaking of growing, please hit the like button below, subscribe to my blog and
connect with me on social media!