March Market Update for San Diego County

According to the data published by the San Diego Association of Realtors ( the median price for detached homes increased 7.24% from the previous month and down 3.020% from the previous year.

However, not all areas of the San Diego Real Estate Market are down compared to last year.  Below is a list of some of the areas that are enjoying an increase in median price for detached homes compared to last year.


Laura Borja-San Diego FHA VA Jumbo
Data provided 4/5/11 by SDAR



So if you are a buyer waiting for the “bottom”, that may have come and gone and left you behind.  Yes there is still opportunity for bargains, but waiting too long might mean that you end up not just with a higher price, but also a higher rate!

Contact me for a FREE consultation and a recommendation to a great Real Estate Agent in your area!

Laura Borja

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